Rolling with the Punches

Have you ever read the fable,The Oak And The Reeds?No?Then you should.It's quite convicting if you have an issue with pride.You see,friends...I do.And it was...convicting that is.God used this fable to speak to me...loud and clear of the pride that I have.I didn't even have a clue how prideful I was...until I read this fable.I didn't understand my pride because I didn't understand the true meaning of the word.

  1. 1.
    a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
    "the team was bursting with pride after recording a sensational victory"
    synonyms:pleasurejoydelightgratificationfulfillmentsatisfaction, a sense of achievement
    "take pride in a good job well done"
  2. 2.
    a group of lions forming a social unit.
  1. 1.
    be especially proud of a particular quality or skill.
    "she'd always prided herself on her ability to deal with a crisis"
    synonyms:be proud of, be proud of oneself for, take pride in, take satisfaction in, congratulate oneself on, pat oneself on the back for
    "Lucas prides himself on his knowledge of wine"

    These definitions are what I always thought pride was...and it an extent.But what about when you think you are better than you actually are?(I don't mean pat on the back,feeling kinda good I mean you really think you have it more together than you actually do)Yeah...I did.Or what if you let people know you aren't as good as you or others think?Yeah...I did.And that would be false humility,a form of pride.You would think the two couldn't coincide...but I am proof...they very much can,unfortunately.

    I realize I have setup these ridiculous and unnecessary boundaries to "keep me in check".My focus has been all wrong and misguided...because I was guiding them...myself.Not anymore.With God's guidance,as He leads and not I,I will bend as the reeds bend and give way to the guidance of the wind.

    I am continually reminded of how much grace I need to just get through the day.I need this,though.Especially to be able to extend grace to others.After a hard day and experiencing God's grace I can say (to someone else who is having trouble with grace as well),"Yeah,I know.I've been there and it's ok.No worries,friend."

    I realize I can accept another's praise (or satisfaction) and say,"Thank you!Yes,I am so grateful that God has given me this ability."I can claim that I am good at something and give glory back to God for making me that way.I don't have to try to take myself out of the picture altogether.Obviously God is using me there...that's why I am there being used!

    Don't get me wrong it sounds ever so romantical (yes,romantical)'s not going to be easy,though(guaranteed).But it will be(guaranteed) worthwhile.It will be an adventure.It will be what I was purposed for....


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