I have to be honest.Lately,for whatever reason,I haven't really been reading the Bible as much.I haven't been motivated to open it up and sit down and just read.It's been forced...and blah.Maybe I am not suppose to say that, but that's what has been going on.
But I realized I haven't really been motivated because I have been going by the standards of others.Daily devotions,Bible reading time or whatever you want to call it isn't suppose to be forced or fit a mold.It's my private time with God.It's coming before Him with a heart of worship not a heart of regulations and restrictions.So,with all that said,this is what my Bible time looked like today.
Messy devotions are the best! |
My heart is stirred by a noble theme
as I recite my verses for the king;
my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.-Psalm 45:1
It's not "perfect" but it means alot to me because it was my time with my Creator.A time that I can create and relate back to Him the beauty of His words and truth.
I very much enjoyed my time with God this morning and I look forward to more time worshiping Him as He has created me to do!
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