Active Listening

During a conversation with a sweet friend of mine I let off some steam of how I just hate it when I try to tell people what's going on in my life they feel the need to "fix" me.All I am asking for is someone to listen...not give their opinion and not try to "fix" me.That being said I know I probably do the same thing as well.Maybe that's why it irritates me so much.I have heard the one thing you can't stand about someone else is possibly your short coming as well.I think there is definitely truth in that statement.So I have made the decision to challenge myself.I am going to actively listen to people.Unless they specifically ask me for advice or my thoughts then I will assume they just need someone who cares,a listening ear and maybe (probably) a hug (or two).

Active listening,as my friend says, takes discipline.And it does.I use to be a great listener but I internalized EVERYTHING because I didn't have someone to listen to me.Well it's almost the opposite now.It's time to find a healthy middle ground.

I want a safe place to go when I need someone to listen to me.And I do have a safe place,and for that I am extremely thankful.But I also need to be the safe place for someone else who doesn't have one of their own.

Operation: Active Listening,commence.


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