Left Hanging

  I never updated the status of where me and my husband are at after writing this post. Well it's a day at a time kinda thing.My husband is,thankfully, able to work and even more thankfully is physically doing better. We are still unsure what the future holds for us because he still isn't 100% but for now he is able to work and for now that is a blessing we do not take lightly.

  It has been a little stressful not knowing what each day holds but it's good to know Who made the day I am about to live.But to keep calm and move on...(yep I went there)...I have been creating...like crazy.Even when I don't stress I create.It's just who I am...in fact it is probably safe for me to say I get stressed when I don't create.Not for any particular reason.But maybe it's because I am not doing what I was made to do...make,create,see the beauty in something mundane,ordinary or even (others may think) down right ugly.Whatever the reason it is my release.It's my voice.I have the most joy,fun and am so tranquil when I am making.

  Here is what I have been working on lately...
I made this sweater vest for my little sister :)

 My husband and I have been talking about I need to at least think about and be prepared in case I do need to go to work.He is thinking this would be a long ways off.So having that in mind I do not want to be stuck doing something just for the money.You know that "it's only for the money" kinda thing.Yeah...that's not for me.I am the kind of person that definitely lives by the rule "do what you love and love what you do". So since I love to create so much I told my husband I would like to start really refining my crafting skills.So that is what I am doing.

My family is going to reap the benefits of this season of refinement.I made these necklaces...

and had to be okay with them being "practice" necklaces.Putting the clasp hardware on the cords is kinda of tricky (or at least for me).So my sister's are pretty happy that they didn't make the cut :) .
I am not going for perfection but I am going for "would I buy that?" or "does that look professional?". 

It's fun...even when I mess up,because I learn from those mistakes.Mistakes...yeah...mistakes can be good ;)


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