It Is What It Is

 I've decided that if I can get at least one of the things on my "have to do" list done,then I am doing pretty good.Right now the thought of getting the laundry room in order just really overwhelms me.Unfortunately when I "feel" overwhelmed I kinda just don't do anything.I know...I know...bad habit,bad response.But I am just being honest.So I am taking the first step to getting this "can't do" attitude turned around.So each day I have done at least one thing to get progress going in the right direction.This week I have taken a day to sand,then caulk and today I am painting at least the first's progress :).Here's what it looks like right now...

and when the boys go to bed tonight I will hopefully finish the painting on the cabinets and get the rest of the first coat done on one side of the doors.

I also was able to get the reading room cleaned.It was in need of a good dusting!

I had some time to make these fun tissue paper pom-pom/flowers as well.It was nice to get a break from a have to, to a want to project.

 Getting something accomplished on my have to project,check.Getting a want to craft project done,check.Cleaning a whole room,check.

As I was cleaning the room I was brought back to when my house was spotless.I love to clean...I mean it's right up there with crafting for joke!It really is a good outlet for me just like creating.But having three little boys and a's not as much fun cleaning up after four other people.And quite frankly it's not my job to keep up with everyone else's stuff.It's my job to teach them how to pick up after themselves.With that said...I have a hard time wanting or finding the time to keep MY stuff in order.Examples...
My crafting area has exploded!

My crafting cabinet

The top of the TV armoire is bad about collecting junk on top.
And yes...yes I was watching Steel Magnolias while creating my tissue paper pom-poms :)

All sorts of items end up on the kitchen counter tops.

If there is a surface to lay something down...then that's what happens.I can't really get upset about it...I am the worst at doing this right now.It's so easy just to set down something,somewhere and then....ugh...where did I put that again?Yeah...I am not too organized.Working on that :).I am trying to get organized.I have taken a trip or two to Goodwill but I think I am down to needing an organizing method.If you have any ideas or suggestions,I am all ears!For now,it is what it is!


  1. Identifying problem areas is the first step to developing a plan of attack!
    What if you prayed for each area of your home as you cleaned/organized it? My bedroom needs major work. I need to develop a plan of attack to get my room and the laundry room in order. We'll be moving later this year, so I need to let go of some things now!


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