God's Favor (*Edited*)
So my husband called me last night when he was suppose to already be home.This is how the conversation went. Me,"Hello?" Tim," I just got in an accident." silence... Me,"Are you ok?" Tim,"Yeah but some (will not be typing word for word what was said...use your imagination) didn't merge right an caused the car in front of me to lock up his brakes and I hit his hitch." silence. Me," I'm glad you are ok.I don't know what to say."
There is more to the conversation but I just wanted to give enough to help you understand the situation.It would be an understatement to say that situations and circumstances affect us differently.I mean I tend to take on other peoples feelings but I am learning when I am and how to empathize without it taking me over.But I am a "well I am glad it wasn't worse" kind of person and he is a "why did this have to happen" kind of person.
Clearly my husband was upset,he was also the one in the accident.He did have every right to be upset,no doubt.But it's not something that he had any control over.NONE.He did his best to try and not hit the car in front of him but he can't help the actions of others or the outcome of the situation.
But God is all powerful and all knowing.

All I could think about is this is sometimes how God's favor looks.It doesn't always look like wealth,success,popularity,or whatever else you could think of.I think a lot of times it looks like God keeping us from things that otherwise would destroy us.Sometimes those things ARE wealth,success,and popularity.(* But,just to clarify,God definitely can and does use those things as well.But it's not to make our name known but to make His name known.We are blessed so we can bless others in His name.Just had to make that clear :)*)Those things can definitely destroy us and take our attention away from what matters.So what matters?Jesus and our relationship with Him.
By God watching over and protecting Tim from getting hurt (ya'll his car is tiny...he didn't even scratch the car in front of him but it dented his hood...and thankfully they were going slow ON the interstate) proves God's favor.Sometimes it's not always clear.Or even what we want it to look like...but His favor is the safest place.If anything had been different,they had been going faster,the car hadn't braked,but the guy who merged with the trailer was still not driving well,it could have been waaaay worse.If anything had changed there would be a different outcome.
But God's favor is on Tim.Tim may not see it just yet.I may not understand it completely,but it's there.
There is more to the conversation but I just wanted to give enough to help you understand the situation.It would be an understatement to say that situations and circumstances affect us differently.I mean I tend to take on other peoples feelings but I am learning when I am and how to empathize without it taking me over.But I am a "well I am glad it wasn't worse" kind of person and he is a "why did this have to happen" kind of person.
Clearly my husband was upset,he was also the one in the accident.He did have every right to be upset,no doubt.But it's not something that he had any control over.NONE.He did his best to try and not hit the car in front of him but he can't help the actions of others or the outcome of the situation.
But God is all powerful and all knowing.

All I could think about is this is sometimes how God's favor looks.It doesn't always look like wealth,success,popularity,or whatever else you could think of.I think a lot of times it looks like God keeping us from things that otherwise would destroy us.Sometimes those things ARE wealth,success,and popularity.(* But,just to clarify,God definitely can and does use those things as well.But it's not to make our name known but to make His name known.We are blessed so we can bless others in His name.Just had to make that clear :)*)Those things can definitely destroy us and take our attention away from what matters.So what matters?Jesus and our relationship with Him.
By God watching over and protecting Tim from getting hurt (ya'll his car is tiny...he didn't even scratch the car in front of him but it dented his hood...and thankfully they were going slow ON the interstate) proves God's favor.Sometimes it's not always clear.Or even what we want it to look like...but His favor is the safest place.If anything had been different,they had been going faster,the car hadn't braked,but the guy who merged with the trailer was still not driving well,it could have been waaaay worse.If anything had changed there would be a different outcome.
But God's favor is on Tim.Tim may not see it just yet.I may not understand it completely,but it's there.
- 1.approval, support, or liking for someone or something.
"the legislation is viewed with favor"synonyms: approval, approbation, goodwill, kindness, benevolence More
- 2.an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual.
"I've come to ask you a favor"synonyms: service, good turn, good deed, kindness, act of kindness, courtesy
"will you do me a favor?"
- 1.feel or show approval or preference for.
"slashing public spending is a policy that few politicians favor"synonyms: prefer, lean toward, opt for, tend toward, be in favor of; More
- 2.(often used in polite requests) give someone (something that they want).
"please favor me with an answer"synonyms: oblige, honor, gratify, humor, indulge
"he favored Lucy with a smile"
We have His approval...more than that He likes us!Like,likes us!He loves us and shows kindness towards us.In this instance He was kind to keep His hand on Tim and protect him. - This week,let me just tell ya'll,the battle has been on.I mean it's always raging,but it seems as Tim and I take steps in the right direction that God has for us it's becoming more and more obvious.Our children have been nuts(not normal nuts,but like off the wall,what am I going to do with you nuts),I have had little tolerance and have even been more emotional lately (have I mentioned Satan knows our weak spots?But God has given me insight and the power of prayer!),and many more little things here and there that would normally stop us from taking the steps we need to take but hasn't because we continue to seek God.I read that and it looks so simple...but I am sure you can agree with me it is and it isn't.
- But that brings me to the next point in God's favor for me and my family.He supports us.His favor is on us and He supports us as we seek Him and His way for us.
- So the truths I am holding onto right now are...
- 1.God like,likes us :)
- 2.God's approval is on us as we seek Him and His will for us.
- 3.God supports us as as we seek Him and walk in His way for us.
- 4.God shows His kindness to us in ways we do not expect.
- 5.God's favor looks different than we think.
- 6.God's mercies are new EVERYDAY!
Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow!Even if those blessings look a bit different than what we thought they would or should look like He deserves ALL the praise.
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